Thursday, February 12, 2009


I use this very simple asking exercise with clients. They give me something of theirs and then have to ask for it back. If they don't ask with integrity they don't get it back and have to ask again. It's fascinating how this simple exercise creates hell on earth! To say that many people do not like or enjoy this exercise is an understatement - and I can still remember the time I first did it about 25 years ago!

Why is it so hard for us to just ask - especially for what's already ours in the first place? Well I already had two clients today who feel they will be annoying or a burden if they ask for something. They don't want to upset or interrupt people. In other words they don't think their needs are important or worthy to be met. It's a self-esteem issue - which most issues boil down to anyway.

So if this triggers off an "aha" in you, get tapping on not being worthy, important or deserving. Affirm your right to ask for what you want and need.

For more information go to

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