Friday, February 13, 2009

Bush fire crisis - use EFT

As the bushfire crisis in Victoria continues, the death toll rises, and scenes of devastation, heartbreak and tragedy fill our screens, it is really important to monitor our own emotional state. Going into grief, upset and anger, while understandable, does not serve either us or the people in Victoria. It uses up our energy and does not support those people who are suffering so dreadfully.

The best way of supporting them is to keep ourselves emotionally strong and to donate goods and money - at this time they are in need of basic survival supplies. In case you don't have the links here is the Red Cross link At Our Community website you can learn how to donate everything from mobile phone chargers (people left with their phones but obviously without the chargers) to blankets -

While you are watching, reading or listening to news of what is happening please remember to tap. You can do the continuous tapping on your fingers and if you are particularly upset by something then do some full rounds of tapping on it. You may have a issue with the fact that some of the fires were deliberately lit - if this is so then tap on the anger. Whatever is upsetting you then release it by doing some rounds of tapping.

It is also very important to tap with your children as they can be really traumatised themselves by the frightening and heartrending images they see. Either encourage them to tap themselves if they are old enough, and do it with them, or on them, if they are younger.

If you have any questions or need some help with this please contact me at

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At 8:20 pm, Blogger Suzie Cheel said...

Hi Margaret,
we met many years ago at the Journey back in 2000. Just found you listed in the book that comes with try it on Everything which Jessica Ortner sent me.
I have just posted about this and found it in snych that you are writing here about EFT and fires and Just heard Brandond is going to do Journey work in the bushfire areas
Suzie Cheel


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